Roman theatre of Orange (France) Today.
Beautiful model! The detailing is wonderful. Bring on the actors!
Great textures as well, really brings it to life
Really impressive..!!
I didn't expect so many congratulations. You can continue: I am intelligent, good person, a nice guy...
Better not.
I did it in 2 weeks. The Challengue is from October, but the first time I heard of it was the 19 of January... Boring Weekends. That's the best description.
And Frederik, I am sure you know of that, but after exporting to kerkythea to make a render of it, the curved surfaces lose the position of the textures...
There are two of them. In the frons scaenae, at both sides of the centre (where the roman statue of August).
And I say it again: My english is a bit limited, forgive my mistakes (see the signature)
@pichuneke said:
And Frederik, I am sure you know of that, but after exporting to kerkythea to make a render of it, the curved surfaces lose the position of the textures...
Actually I haven't tried render it in KT...
(Been too busy with other stuff...)
I couldn't just ignore your comment, so I gave it a shot, and you're right... When using SU2KT, the textures are getting distorted...
But if you export the model as to an obj-file, then there's no problem at all...If you don't have SU Pro, you can download the free Wavefront obj exporter...
I have no idea why this is... Maybe it's the SU2KT exporter lacking some kind of feature, maybe it's the way SU handles textures...
Any way... You can download your model exported to kzx incl. textures etc. from here and below you'll see a quick render of your scene...
I am fixing the glitches with the ground floor, you can see it at the first step of the stairs, so I am modifying the model.
I hope that this bug can help you in the development of Kerkythea.
I'll try to export myself to .obj and make a good render. See you
@pichuneke said:
I hope that this bug can help you in the development of Kerkythea.
Well... This is actually not a bug in KT, but more likely something with the SU2KT exporter...
But I can assure you that I will point Tomasz (the creator of the su2kt plug-in) to this thread... -
You have a good sense of homour...
Increible y mas profundo! You have my vote. History, Spain, ruins, and sketchUp. You have hit a long list of my hot buttons.
Perdoname, pero mi esposa dice yo hablo Espanol como Tarzan.
And I speak english like Indians in Far West Movies...
(At least the translations of the films to spanish were funny when Indians speak...)
Don't worry
The ruby .obj exporter doesn't work for me. The model has nested groups.
I use Sketchup for fun, like the roman theatre of Cartagena thread, and I use a free version. And I am saving for leaving my home because today in Spain people usually leaves the house of their parents at 55 years old as they don't have enough money and...
You know.
I heve seen the original building last September. Your model puts me back to those holidays within a second. Great work!
Franziska -
Hi pichuneke,
Regarding the su2kt "bug", here's the reply I've received from Tomasz...
@unknownuser said:
SU2KT doesn't export photomatched textures on nested faces (inside group or component). I have checked that there is texturewriter2 in C++ SDK, but it is at least not documented in Ruby .. I have to find work-around for it.
pichuneke, this is fabulous! What a wonderful job!
@frederik said:
Hi pichuneke,
Regarding the su2kt "bug", here's the reply I've received from Tomasz...
@unknownuser said:
SU2KT doesn't export photomatched textures on nested faces (inside group or component). I have checked that there is texturewriter2 in C++ SDK, but it is at least not documented in Ruby .. I have to find work-around for it.
Well... I help the better I can. As I am not a programmer... it's frustrating when I wish I could help and I know I can't do that.
Or perhaps I am a bastard and I know that saying the previous sentence makes me appear like a nice guy, as I know I can't help anyway
Anyway I wish he can fix it. And don't forget to thank him for paying attention to me and to the problem
@unknownuser said:
pichuneke, this is fabulous! What a wonderful job!
Thanks. Look at my eternal other project, I hope to finish it soon (in a first phase):
Model updated, less faces, same resolution, beter filesize...
The temple of the forum is included, and the podium of another temple near the top of the hill.
nice job, pichuneke!!