Lift lobby model
I have made this simple interior of a lobby that we are designing. It has caused me to have a few questions about the process:-
View scene on and use layer to discover different options.
I wish there was a simple way of making the interiors look lit. Its all fine having shadows and sun but thats basicaly an archi thing. Not always useful for interior designers unless you have lots of exterior windows.
I imagine sketch up as a design tool, so i made different options to the base model,, for lamps and floor patterns. I put these on layers and just turned them on/off. Is this the best way?
There is one fabled artist that has bee featured i think on here. He renders using markers and the style is great - i woulder how to do that.
After most of the day at work messing about with this I am a bit disappointed with the end result so any tips and crits will be take very seriously.
and the jpg of the rendering that i did. it was suposed to be in sketchy maker pen lines but i dont know what happened to the style i tried to mix.
those big squares on the ceiling are supposed to be nice simple lanterns in fabric.
I messed around with it a little. One thing I noticed was that you didn't have "use sun for shadowing" checked. That will make it a little brighter. Also, the black on the flooring and white on the ceiling was too stark for me. I just adjusted a few of the materials a little. Put Ross's pencil style to it (which I love).
I don't know if this is what you are looking for, but maybe it'll spark a few ideas for you.
oh yeah i love thoughs pencil lines. Where did yu get them (i wonde if Ross is the legeandary figure that i saw rendeing on some forum in free marker pen.....?)
thanks this is a great help - i learn more every time i use this software and visit this forum....
here is the link to the -
thanks for your help tinanne.
I was wondering how to stop the odd dark lines on the blinds at the end of the lobby, they are very obvious( in know it 3dMax its called mau-ray but i have not a clue how its spelt)
not sure? I think it's just something that happens when using that style?
Syburn: I've got quite a few marker-style renders on here (don't think it was me you were referring to though )
Let me know if this is the kind of thing you meant ...