SketchUp - A Weapon of Mass Destruction
Ok, so I've been gone a few weeks. Blame it on my boss. Blame it on the overbearing client. Then explain it to my family who has all but forgotten who I am.
I have been working 7 days a week, 12-18 hr days for the last month straight. This project is going to kill me and I have SketchUp to blame. The client likes what they see, and wants more, more, more. By Sept. 19th, I should have 960 units on a 200 acre site completed with multiple product types ranging from institutional, mixed use, and residential from 15 DU/AC to 2 DU/AC. Granted, most of the site will be basic SD type models, but for each of the product types, we are going to show a "model complex" with detailed models.I've been working on the models and have yet to start any of the final site work. Preliminary work included the complete site in SketchUp with a hand drawn site plan laid over the top for our proposal. This is now going to be redone with cad lines and probably try something in Google Earth as well.
My EID meeting is this Friday and the final city meeting is Sept 19th. Next week I'm taking a much needed vacation to the sunny beaches of Monterey (California) so I can get reaquainted with my family. Smile
For now, I leave you with some Estate product that is being proposed for a ridge line with million dollar views (as well as million dollar pricetags).
awesome stuff... I love the mixed floridian spanish mission styling... I do some of the same things... many units of mixed use... the models are huge and hard to work with.... but very gratifying and the clients just eat it up...
I hope you're reaping the reward form this hard work...
thanks for stoping by and sharing
ah! that reminded me of my previous job! LOL..
dont u just hate to love SU??
dont lose ur sanity! just keep on rolling! -
That is great work!
Ah, I remembered I had some of the attached stuff semi completed.
Site Topo Fly Around - (84MB) This really "WOW'ed" the client for as simple as it was.
Thanks...I tell ya, I miss hanging out here every day. The bad thing (is it really that bad though?!) is that I'm the only one in the office with photoshop/SketchUp skills. Great for job security, but bad for crunch time. So all of this work is being done from the ground up by myself.
It's a good thing I love what I do and where I do it. Sanity was something I left behind years ago, so no hope there. It's probably best that helps expain away most of my problems...hehe.
As for reaping rewards...I think Uncle Sam smacked my hand pretty hard on the last paycheck. 80 hrs regular time and 65 hours overtime/double overtime sounds like a good paycheck in theory...
I agree, very nice work. Hope you enjoy your much needed vacation
Excellent work ToDamGood!! Glad SketchUp is helping you do the work you want to do in life! for that "life" part! I hope you get to enjoy your time off!
Here's a great big pat on the back from the SketchUp team.... ATTA BOY!!!
- CraigD
P.S. I know quite a few people on the Photoshop team as well. They'd also be proud to know that they help enable you to do what you love!
TDG4U, that site flyover is great. I bet it did wow them.
I was amazed to see the color's on the site rendering. Here is a rendering I did for our Landscape Architect last year: ... ction.html
Pretty freakin' close -
Thanks Craig. I have the same story as everyone else..."SketchUp has really done wonders for my career" If only I could corner the market...
Eric, you actually downloaded the animation? HA...wasn't sure if anyone would bite. Yea, its pretty cool and was part of a powerpoint presentation I put together. The final is going to show the final site map and then zoom in to each product location model complex and rotate. However, I was playing around with Google Earth and found out I could import my site map into there and get the same effect, but with a much greater radius obviously. I am going to see about placing my site map and then putting models in. I just don't know how well GE can handle that many models. It's all in testing for now though..hehe.As for the colors, I was told those are "standard". Even though I'm not in land planning, I do a lot of his graphics and see the same colors over and over again. I looked at your image and tonewise, yea, pretty scary how close they are...haha.
Gosh, I miss this place. Well, I really should get back to work.