.aerosol can.
haha..i wish i coudl go that fast..but it needs to be reasonably accurate..so i'm sitting here measuring a damn can..haha.. just went out and bought the specific can that it is, and started over.. unfortunately, follow me is not cooperating..and when i extrude it around the circle..some planes and arcs get left out.. i've tried it a million different ways and have redrawn it..but still the same thing.. i think i'm going to steal the top piece off my original can though..b/c this is frustrating.. the missing areas arent too evident here, but i think they ultimately will be
here is the progress so far...there are a TON of little pieces on a damn spray can that i have to call out..i had no idea.
as far as hotlinking.. haha.i dont know.. either html or flash.. and just make a bunch of buttons over the image? that's my plan anyway..
great stuff Mark, very life like...
ilay7k , your dome is a little high and I agree your nozel is a little small, but fine work none the less... I also liked your rendering nice material...
Mark, I really like that new lid or top... looks like RAID!
keep it up kids...
ok, i got you then.
it looks very good though, especially with the can top. -
i guess i'm with you Jason, except i probably take a bit longer to model things than you. i get bogged down with the dimensions so much sometimes... 2-3 minutes to model that is very fast to me. i wish i had that efficiency.
yeah.. 2-3 minutes is definitely impressive.. 5 minutes and it would've been great!
glad someone else is on the slow side though, steven..haha.
Hey, i know... it's like if i could only get out of my own way i could model faster.
i'll fumble around with 64ths of an inch.
that's crazy isn't it...
probably shouldn't have said that. -
try scaling your entire model up by a factor of 100. That might fix your follow-me problems.
@marked001 said:
unfortunately, follow me is not cooperating..and when i extrude it around the circle..some planes and arcs get left out.. i've tried it a million different ways and have redrawn it..but still the same thing.. i think i'm going to steal the top piece off my original can though..b/c this is frustrating.. the missing areas arent too evident here, but i think they ultimately will be
ah ok.. that does make sense.. the original one i did was scaled up 10x just to make drawing the curves easier...this one was only 2x.. i will give that a try! thanks!
taht worked great smartsizer..thanks so much.
here's a little update..
Loosk great! My only comment is the bottom stem of the spray tip is too narrow in diameter.
This looks great! I like the section cuts.
Got a close up of how the pressure valve works? I've always wondered... I figured the refrigerator light thing out a few years back - but the aerosol tip pushing down thing I still haven't worked out. Wink
Any now for the trivia question - and don't search the internet for the answer.
"RAID" used a particular artist for a particular reason when they commisioned their bugs in the TV commercials. Who was the artist, and what was characteristic about his/her style?
that aerosol can is pimp... are we allowed to use that as an adjective?
anyways it's marvelous.got nothing on the trivia question...
there's my reference..not that i followed it too carefully..haha..
and i have no answer for the trivia question..haha..
I can't believe i just read that on how the aerosol valve works... Laughing
now you can pull one apart.. get your calipers out..and go to town..haha..
(and for the record, i didnt actually read it..just looked at the diagram......briefly Very Happy )
So what the diagram is telling me is there could be SEVERAL reasons my old spray paint cans will not dispense paint. Maybe what I need to invent is a spray-can de-clogger, that forces some propellant back into the can.
Don Pegler was the artist but I don't know what characteristic it was that attracted RAID.
@unknownuser said:
Don Pegler was the artist but I don't know what characteristic it was that attracted RAID.
Hummm. I thought it was Tex Avery - for his highly exaggerated animations - like dropping the jaw all the way to floor when astonished, or actually drawing 3 eyes when the character was shaking their head from side to side. Dropping pianos out of windows and smashing characters, and stuff like that.
Tex was the producer but Don Pegler created the characters.
@unknownuser said:
The product's advertising tagline, "Raid Kills Bugs Dead", was created by advertising agency Foote Cone & Belding. The phrase itself is often attributed to the poet Lew Welch, who worked for the agency at the time. The line was first used in commerce in 1966 and was trademarked in 1986. Legendary animation director Tex Avery was the producer of the first "Kills Bugs Dead" commercials. Artist Don Pegler developed the bug characters used in the US and continued animating them for forty years.
Ok so I went back and read your question: Who was the artist?
So we are both right.