I'll show you mine, if you show me yours?
Not a picture of mine as mine is black (second one, first one met a ditch, tree, and a fence up close). I just added long headers, air intake, and had the computer remapped. Thank god for lower priced gas as I get to drive it more now. Rough numbers are about 525-550hp. It pretty much kills most things it comes next to but if I get another ticket my wife will kill me.
I drive a c350 but no pics (now its crashed) my wife has an XF only pic was at the dealer. Damn! over 256kb oh well
Its pretty to re-size pics, in the spirit of this thread "Let me teach you"
maybe get a better pic, im gussing honda ridgeline?
@kdsdesign said:
I drive a c350 but no pics (now its crashed) my wife has an XF only pic was at the dealer. Damn! over 256kb oh well
of course kevin drives a mercedes!