I'll show you mine, if you show me yours?
I love how you kept the exterior a little bit more 'sleeper' ish, bet you've won a race or two with that eh? lol
my one question: is that a bottle of NO on the console? where do you put your arm while driving? lol
Yea, I love the sleeper look as well. A great story...
I went to my son's daycare to pick him up and this little girl comes up to me and said "My daddy likes your car and saw it in a magazine". I said oh really. Just then her mom came up and the little girl says "hey mommie, it's HIS car". She then turned and smiled and said she got home from work the other night and her husband was looking through a magazine and shouts out "HEY, I know that car, it's always at (whatever their girls name is) daycare". She said he couldn't believe I had all that in there and that he actually saw it in real life. Pretty funny stuff.
I can't go anywhere without people wanting to take a look. They are blown away when they really see what I have inside. Almost 10,000 watts of audio, Playstation 2, TV tuner, DVD, CD, Navigation, 5.1 surround processor, the works. Drive-In movie theaters never sounded so good.
Yes, that is nitrous there...and my arm fits perfectly over the top of it. My hand rests right at the valve and is actually more confortable on the bottle than without.
I found the problem, you have no steering wheel... ahahah
great looking car! how fast can you actually get going with NOS? and do you just turn the nozzle on and off by hand when you want? sorry for my ignorance, but I've never ridden in a car that has it.
LOL...that's called a theft deterent - one of many located on the car. No steering wheel = harder to drive away. Special unique locking pins prevent other steering wheels being put in its place, even if from the same company/brand.
As for the speed thing...I really don't know. I have the car built to look fast, run fast and be fast, but I just cruuiiizzeeee in it. Although, I did, just this one time, put it down as I saw a ricer (slang for a wanna-be import tuner) about a mile up and as I went by him about 140mph (speedo goes to 160), I looked in my rear view mirror only to see a nice gold colored car with interior lights going crazy. So I pulled over and waited for him to catch up...and he was not very happy with me. Luckily for me, I was going faster than he could even determine and I wouldn't admit guilt, so all he could do is yell (and he was literally yelling at me like I was his kid) and look the car over for something stolen.
I haven't ever run it with the nitrous though...but to turn it on, you have to turn the bottle on, allowing gas to the engine. You can then purge (you might see people doing this by spraying up in the air)it at this point to get any air out of the lines to prevent hesitation. Flipping the switch ("go baby go" on Gone in 60 Seconds movie - highly recommended by the way, not only for the hot cars, but Angelina Jolie is fiiiiine in it
) putting the petal all the way to the floor opens up the solenoid to inject the gas into the air intake and mixing with the fuel. Mine is set for 60 additional HP per "hit". The injectors are replaceable and can be adjusted from 25hp to blown motor.
Sounds like fun. You want a "focus moment" try that on a bike...on the track please..
I have some pretty good track training (and multiple season as race winning motorcycle road racer) and my wife and I have become friends with Kieth Code and the folks at his California Superbike School. So at the end of my 4th level of training with him on track, he followed me for a number of hot sessions around Virginia International Raceway. I was feeling good and he said he'd trail me and critique so I went on track and gave it the berries (so to speak).
So for multiple track sessions I was allowed full effort riding...this means a race prepped Kawasaki ZX6RR going flat out on the track...to the limit. It is an interesting moment when you have to take a bike that is going roughly 170 mph (6th gear flat out on the rev limiter) and then haul it down to around 50 mph or less for turn one. I'm not sure if you can imagine scrubbing off over 120 mph as you approach the end of a straight away with a fairly tight right hand corner coming up! I mean if you only scrub off 110 mph, you're going 10 mph too fast to make the corner...it's tough to gauge to say the least.
My race bike only tops out at about 120 mph, but it's geared that way because of the tight track I ran in New Hampshire.
I've gone almost as fast in race cars, but it is totally different on a bike! The steering becomes very, very stiff above 150 mph and the wind buffeting and noise are amazing. A car doesn't steer any differently at speed, but a bike becomes very hard to turn..you really have to muscle it and not influence the chassis the wrong way.
I'm addicted, that's for sure!
Great car! I'd love to see and hear it sometime.
- CraigD
My personal/family 16teen wheeler
Oh, it floats too
my daily driver, unfortunately that isn't my daily commute
Its good to see that we plenty of car nuts here on the forum. I'm gradually going off sports cars but at the same time want something that will offer an enjoyable driving experience. I am waiting patiently for the Venture One now named the Persu Hybrid http://www.flytheroad.com/ . It will be the ideal runaround for me AND offer lots of fun at the same time, not to forget easy to park
Not a picture of mine as mine is black (second one, first one met a ditch, tree, and a fence up close). I just added long headers, air intake, and had the computer remapped. Thank god for lower priced gas as I get to drive it more now. Rough numbers are about 525-550hp. It pretty much kills most things it comes next to but if I get another ticket my wife will kill me.
Here is my current ride...
I drive a c350 but no pics (now its crashed) my wife has an XF only pic was at the dealer. Damn! over 256kb oh well
Its pretty to re-size pics, in the spirit of this thread "Let me teach you"
Here's my truck. It's really good in snow...
That's my front yard in the background (I'm in the Colorado Rockies at 7500').
maybe get a better pic, im gussing honda ridgeline?
@kdsdesign said:
I drive a c350 but no pics (now its crashed) my wife has an XF only pic was at the dealer. Damn! over 256kb oh well
of course kevin drives a mercedes!