Bouncing car
Can't figure out why but when I make a basic car it bounces down the road. I know everything is centered correctly. I even copied a wheel and motor to the side and connected the motor to the solid plane so that I could see the wheel spin in one place.
@frankenpengie said:
Can't figure out why but when I make a basic car it bounces down the road. I know everything is centered correctly. I even copied a wheel and motor to the side and connected the motor to the solid plane so that I could see the wheel spin in one place.
Post the model and Ill have a look. Maybe your wheels aren't round?
Also I used the scale tool on the solid floor. When I change the width in relation to the car it's fine but if I lengthen the road the car falls through.
@frankenpengie said:
Also I used the scale tool on the solid floor. When I change the width in relation to the car it's fine but if I lengthen the road the car falls through.
Your wheels are square. Set them to be "convexhull" and it will work better. You can tell what shape the physics thinks the shape is by right clicking it and selecting Debug->Readback collision geometry. Then press play
Scaling objects causes problems. Instead open the group and scale the geometry inside it.