WIP - Construction Equipment
Here is an idea I got from another thread... then after messing around with the design in SU I decided to actually give a go at rendering... I choose Kerkythea as my rendering program... I'm still getting used to it and I've got a long way to go...
Anyway, my family owns a construction company (no, i don't work for them) and I've always wanted to put together a simulation excavation site or something along those lines...
here we go (the first is a Clay render, and the other two are somewhat following the actual paint scheme:
My situation is like yours...
¿Is it a real model like Liebherr? I saw one in 3D Warehouse. Good work, I hope to see it finished
@pichuneke said:
My situation is like yours...
¿Is it a real model like Liebherr? I saw one in 3D Warehouse. Good work, I hope to see it finished
the real thing is a CASE 880D Track-hoe.... one day I'll finish it
lol, quite an inoppurtune place for a typo
@remus said:
lol, quite an inoppurtune place for a typo
hahaha, opps!
well, shit happens, and apparently so.
Those renders are looking good, cant wait to see it in all its glory
Post some updates!
Very nice modeling. Now all you need is some dirt or some missing paint on the nice paint job.
thanks for all the compliment! I've been swamped with work, but I'll try to get a few free minutes to try to update them...
@ben ritter said:
Very nice modeling. Now all you need is some dirt or some missing paint on the nice paint job.
thanks! i'm trying to gather a whole arsenal of construction/excavation equipment... i'd love to create a scene with dirt and such... if only I knew how I would
When you are done with the model if you like I could texture it with some rusted flaking paint, and some tainted metals for you. That way when I return the model you will have the textures to apply to the other models in your collection.
yes, these models could come in handy one day... hope you will consider sharing in the components section
ps... don't forget the thin glass shader in KT! and inserting the infinite plane model to get some shadows.