Useful win apps
Deep Exploration, probably the best app after the standard SU, Podium and PSP.
Here is the feature list of what this extremely powerful app can do. -
Deep Exploration is undoubtedly a very powerful product...
But the price... -
PDF 2 DXF 2.0, converts PDF documents to DXF files.
I've got Deep Exploration too. Fantastic program. For those of you on a budget, I posted a simple, free file converter on this thread.
3 Freebies:
Autostitch(free for jpg version).- brilliant automatic photo stitcher. (free)- converts any series of jpgs to an avi animation, simply and very well. Note that although this link leads to a faulty page, the download button on the right still works. (free)- formerly "Crap Cleaner" it does what is says on the tin, does a great job of cleaning out all unnecessary Windows files (temp, etc) and redundant registry entries and keys. -
winrar, its got to be one of the best archiver type programs out there. Will compress/decompress nearly any format (every format i've ever come across at least.) Loads of features, easy to use and free. Not a lot more you could ask for really.
As torrent clients go utorrent is my favourite, its very lightweight (216kb last time i checked) and doesnt need instalation. I've also found it to be very easy on sysem resources.
Hi, people.
I must recommend Revo uninstaller
It´s the best uninstalling software I've tested. An it's freeware.It has a portable version, due to not having to intall it.
Cheers form Spain.
FARR (Find and Run Robot) is a superb launcher (and much more). [Donationware though free registration is also available]
Fast, non-intrusive, infinitely extendable via aliases and plugins (which can be written in almost any language), with many useful addons already available.
Plus it is supported by the DonationCoder community, who are the kindest, most reliably helpful crowd on the interweb (present company excepted).
I've mentioned this before but Perspective Pilot is a nice little app for correcting perspective distortion in photos. It does a better job than photoshops distort and perspective transforms because it resamples the image.
Perspective Pilot (+ Plugin) – correct perspective on photos - Two Pilots - Useful software for everyday needs
Perspective distortions often appear in the architectural building photography and urban landscape photography. Such distortions arise from taking an urban landscape using a wide-angle lens and also may be caused by inappropriate aspect angle. Perspective Pilot is specially designed software for perspective correction of a photo: Photo © Simon Joinson, Godalming, Surrey, United …
Two Pilots - Useful software for everyday needs (
Painter Essentials 4 has just been launched. A 60 day demo can be had here,
google picasa. A well known piece of software (relative to most of the other stuff in here, but i just downloaded it, and its wicked, much better than the standard microsoft nonsense.
Hi Guys,
I've downloaded the Jing Project (free) for the Mac also registered with ScreenCast, free for 60 days. There is also a Win version of Jing. I can highly recommend this set up for communication.
VSO Image Resizer
Free supersmart imageresizer -
A very nice little program that dos normal maps, specularity maps, displacement maps and occlusion maps. Pretty pricey at 300 dollars for a commercial license but a really nice program to use.
Almost forgot to mention it does a real time preview of the map and how it affects the mesh.
If you want to know something about your CPU this is the app for you. It tells you pretty much everything you need to know plus quite a lot of other stuff.
I believe theres also a gpuz, if your so inclined.
Tree[d] from the maker of Gile[s] is the best tree generator I've found and... it's free.
You can also use images as "crosses" for even more low poly branches/leaves (see pic 2).
Can export animated trees in .x format.Download: [url][d]-setup300.exe[/url]
Edit: cant get this link to look right. You'll have to copy paste whats between the [url] tags. -
Hmmm, i couldnt get it (tree [d]) to work on my comp, might be vista?
@remus said:
Hmmm, i couldnt get it (tree [d]) to work on my comp, might be vista?
Did you mean that you have Vista?
It runs fine on XP and even better if you have a fast graphics card.