Extract and manipulate lines in Photoshop
This is a Sketchup model rendered in photoshop. It's a little different because it does not use the SU lines to make the lines in the rendering.
Started with model downloaded from 3d warehouse. The lines were extracted in PS using the smart blur filter. Then used the ripple filter to make the lines wavy. Plus other PS work.
Any hints on what other PS tools could be used to give lines more character?
Copy their layer, soften the lower one a bit (or a bunch), set that layer to burn and adjust the transparency (also the transparency of the upper line layer...maybe it goes to multiply, or even burn too), then have fun with the eraser.
I've also used sharpen and motion blur on the line layer for some interesting local effects. Do post your trials and errors...love to learn some more of what to do.
- extracted the edges with smart blur on a duplicated layer, added a fresco filter and changed to hard light. enhanced some of the faded color, burned in a few areas, duplicated with a blur set on soft light. extracted shadow area onto new layer, added brush strokes with a blur set on soft light.
would of been better with higher res image to start with, but thought it turned out decent.
Thanks for the ideas. I will definitly try them.
Canoek, your version is really neat.