Fun little project
Mike, the glass block is a nice touch! (...touch it a little more, maybe...?)
Will there be lighting behind the glass block?
tom and boo
boo yes there will be lights behind the glass blockmike d
@mike d said:
yes there will be lights behind the glass block
Then "touched" enough!
Be sure to post a pic when it's built...should be pretty nice. -
Could there be a visibility issue with the Park Ridge squeezed back between the pillars? (can you see it from 45 degrees?)
Now this is getting even better with that big slab of stone (though the glass "touch" seems to have gone...)
thanks james and gai
the park ridge will be cut into the stonethanks
mike d -
Have you looked at putting lights behind the letters and deleting the glass block? Just a thought.
yea we thought about that but the owner likes the lights behind the glass block they are leaning more towards the rock with the letters sand blasted into the stonethanks
mike d -
This is cool, Mike!
thanks gai