Country Cottage WIP
Dylan, sweet model and lovely scene (particularly like the grass mown in stripes)...can't wait for the renders!
Delightful model. The sense of place is palpable. In looking at the image I feel like I could walk out back and grab two apples from what looks like an apple tree, and while eating one myself walk over to the hedge on the left and offer one to the horse over on the hill.
Im just experimenting in PS with various layer overlays (not really knowing what im doing
Ignoring how the 3d trees/shrubs look, how do you think the model looks in this image?
I was wondering what it would look like with some PR trees and shrubs added.
jb, I love that! The style really suits that image in my opinion.
I would really appreciate it if you could let me know how you achieved that, id really like to try.
added some ps tricks to your jpg for a dwc effect. hope you like.
glad to share my steps in ps if you're interested.
nice model.jb
@canoek said:
added some ps tricks to your jpg for a dwc effect. hope you like.
glad to share my steps in ps if you're interested.
nice model.jb
jb, could you post a tut on how you did that? It looks great! I love the watercolor effect!
sure. pretty simple really. crack open a six pack. open your first image in ps (i use ps 4.0). duplicate the background layer. drink one beer. apply standard watercolor filter (brush detail 14, shadow intensity 0, texture 1) to duplicated layer. drink one more beer. change opacity to 75% for this layer and change it to hard light. then flatten image. at this point, you better drink 2 beers. duplicate background layer again and apply gaussian blur (25 pixels) to it. better drink one more beer, just in case. then change this layer to hard light. flatten image again. apply the texturizer filter (texture sandstone, scaling 200%, relief 1) and at this point you might as well finish off the six pack. that way, if your image turns out like "kindergarden-art" you'll be so hammered that you'll still think it looks great.
su on beer-goggles. works for me.
thanks jb! I'll have to give that a try. Any suggestions for a particular brand of beer?
Followed your method jb and here is the result - Not quite the same as yours, I need to find the secret touches
that turned out great dylan!! i like it better than mine. thinking that the difference between the two must be the gaussian blur settings. somehow you ended up with a hint of a sun in the upper right corner that conflicts with the shadows on the house, though. but i think your results look very convincing for a dwc.
great job!
Dylan, I think it looks great too...well done.
Since I like richer colors (and you did ask for tricks) I took your WC and set a duplicate layer to multiply at about 50% transparency, then hit that with the eraser a couple of places in the forground to mix it up.
Just's all in the eye of the beholder!
Dylan love the cottage, it really evokes a sense of place.
JB that a was great little tutorial, neat trick.
Here's my take on the subject.
Dylan, I very much would enjoy living in a house like that. Very nice.
And learning some new tricks here too... bonus.Thanks.