DWC tech and beyond...
I added "white speck" dodge and screen layers to what I've been doing and I'm pleased with the overall WC "look" now. All that remains is to learn color and how to paint with it, that shouldn't take more than...what: 20-years or so?Whadayal think? (The scale-chick is tongue-in-cheek, so to speak...please ignore, if you can :`)
Best and thanks, Tom.
(Susan, thanks bunches for the hint posted about reducing image size...I tried 85% steps on this one, on the full image...the details are full size, and it looks a whole lot better than the 66% steps I was using.) -
I can never get enough of your work! I love this image, the colours all flow very naturally, and it really feels like a great watercolour. The vibrantness, everything, its perfect!
Now, That cutie, do you know her, is she single, and does she want a date with a Canadian boy?
Well, James, the images aren't that bad either...
James...you crack me up (should I be charging for the peepshow :`) I can't post the file 'cause it was a freebee on some entourage image site, and I really can't remember which one...really...honest. But some searching should hook you up.
Best, Tom.
(I will admit, since I teased you, I use her as a scale reference building growies I think for your same reasons for liking her. I made her 5'-6" for my eye height and can then put the horizon on the top of her head for reference...that's my story and I'm stickin' with it!)