Cola Kerkythea
Here is my litle tryout on kerkythea,nothing special and cannot be compared to other kerky users but I am satisfied because rendering is not my better side.Hope you like it and c%c always welcome
Can't have been much, James...
Looks very CG to me, and I assume that Ivica have used a very low render preset...?!?I've seen the bottle at FormFonts, but can't see the texture...?!?
Could be fun giving it a go using better materials and render presets...Cheers
Kim Frederik -
Sorry for late reply,I had some problems with my eyes so today I finally see some things.
James it was maybe 20 minutes with minimun settings.Like I said I am not so good at kerkythea.
Frederik look again at bottle at formfonts and you will see there are two configurations,one whitout texture and one with the texture.
I agree it would be fun to add better render presets but with my 256 MB RAM I dont want to even try -
beautiful rendering...wish my machine a bit more powerful so i can learn how to render fast