Poll: Mac vs PC
As far as upgradability goes on a Mac, well I use
laptops for the most part and its difficult to
upgrade CPUs or V Cards on these machines be they
PCs or Macs.However I am aware that many Apple Stores, the ones
located in cities mostly, will quite readily take in
an older Mac as a trade-in ! This in my opinion
should be quite an attractive inducement for users
that want to stay on the cutting edge of graphics
orientated machines.To check this out all one has to do is look up
an independent Apples Resellers Site and they usually
have a sellection of 'Used Hardware'. I think the
reason this works so well is bacause of the Apple /
Graphic Design link. The Apple Stores are often
located in cities that have Art Colleges and there
is always a ready market of Art / Graphics students
on tight budgets looking for MacsFar better that trying to flog the old laptop on
EbayAnyone interested in a Dell M90, a Eurocom Enigma
or a Dell M60Mike
@unknownuser said:
Viruses are virtually unheard of for the mac.
Might have been unheard of (or rather scarce), but you still get them, plus the threat is growing...
http://www.computerhope.com/issues/ch000737.htmTake note, this last link says that if you're running emulation software on your Mac (and obviously running MS Windows), then you can still get a virus on your Mac.[/quote]
On the last link, it states,
'Most of the virus writers are familiar with the IBM platform and Microsoft Windows, and therefore are only going to be able to create a virus for that platform.'Hey ! I wonder does this mean that its 'nicer' people that use Macs and would not dream of writing a virus
I'm bloody well glad that I made the switch and stongly advise any 'fence sitter' out there to take the leap of faith ...... I've yet to hear of an opposite switcher
Does ANYONE know of one
Mike I switched from Macs to pc and I'm glad I did. With the name Macintosh I was for a number of years a serious Mac-addict. I'm glad I was cured.
Recently someone in these forums posted a screenshot of the mac finder. I cringed! Yikes! Talk about info overload! For me it is just bad interface design. I much prefer Microsoft's fairly intuitive 'file explorer' approach.
I'm glad there are multiple OS choices for consumers. Hopefully each computer user can find the OS that makes them most comfortable. To each his own.
Regards, Ross
@ross macintosh said:
Recently someone in these forums posted a screenshot of the mac finder. I cringed! Yikes! Talk about info overload! For me it is just bad interface design. I much prefer Microsoft's fairly intuitive 'file explorer' approach.
i am to blame for the posting of the offensive screenshot. i apologise for any pain it may have inflicted in you and promise to try my best to refrain from posting such stuff in the future.
very humbly yours,
p.s.: just pulling your leg. you have every right not to like macintoshes.
@ross macintosh said:
Mike I switched from Macs to pc and I'm glad I did. With the name Macintosh I was for a number of years a serious Mac-addict. I'm glad I was cured.
Recently someone in these forums posted a screenshot of the mac finder. I cringed! Yikes! Talk about info overload! For me it is just bad interface design. I much prefer Microsoft's fairly intuitive 'file explorer' approach.
I'm glad there are multiple OS choices for consumers. Hopefully each computer user can find the OS that makes them most comfortable. To each his own.
Regards, Ross
I was not that keen on Mac Finder either BUT I found
Macintosh Explorer, works a treatMaybe you would consider doing a Double Switch
@unknownuser said:
I was not that keen on Mac Finder either BUT I found
Macintosh Explorer, works a treatmike,
is it shareware, freeware or what? i am so used to the finder that I cannot really see in which way any explorer-type app ca be better. could you just give me an example?
And now for Something Completely Different.
Windows Vista vs. Ubuntu Linux Beryl, with a techno soundtrack:
Interesting that they don't bring Mac into the fray.
(If SketchUp ran on Linux, I would be so "outa here" with Windows.
[Lewis Wadsworth]
@unknownuser said:
I was not that keen on Mac Finder either BUT I found
Macintosh Explorer, works a treatmike,
is it shareware, freeware or what? i am so used to the finder that I cannot really see in which way any explorer-type app ca be better. could you just give me an example?
Hi Edson,
After jumping into OSX I must admit I missed some of the
'old ways'. I have however located quite a few Mac programs
and utilities that helped to ease the transition and Mac
Explorer is one of them. At β¬15 I think its good value.The Rage Site explains the features of Mac Explorer far better
than I could, so I'd suggest that you have a quick look. The
link is here, http://www.ragesw.com/products/explorer.htmlAnother utility that I'm using permanently is Sticky Windows.
This utility allows me to 'grab' a program window and 'slap'
it to the edge of the screen. It sticks there as a tab !
I think this is a better alternative to the 'Dock' as I like
to leave the dock clean, just to be used for programs. You can
check out Sticky Windows at
http://www.donelleschi.com/stickywindows/ BTW this firm does
a few other useful little utilities, Cunning Fox being one of
Well after much harrasment I've got SU and a few other programs working on Vista. ACAD is a non starter though. I have to say though there are a few useful tools in Vista but not many.
@unknownuser said:
Well after much harrasment I've got SU and a few other programs working on Vista. ACAD is a non starter though. I have to say though there are a few useful tools in Vista but not many.
I had to right click the ACAD icon and set it to run in compatibility mode (WinXP) and with Admin. rights to get Acad-07 to run in Vista. It really only took a few minutes on the AutoCAD site to find out how. What version are you running?
Architectural Desktop 2005 but I'm thinking about buying Allplan by Nemetschek rather than AutoCAD 2008. Check Allplan out, I've seen it demonstrated, amazing