Drop.rb script upgrade suggestion
dear TBD - your script is perhaps my most-used extension to sketchup, but sometimes (urban scenery) I want the dropped entities to match the slope/angle of the surface on which i'm dropping them, is it possible to identify the surface by your intersection finding "Sketchup.active_model.raytest(position,dir)", then get its slope and apply this to the dropped entity? would such a feature be hard to implement? i'm toying with the idea of trying to add this myself, or is anyone else interested ?
anyways - thanks for the 'drop'
unfortunately I dont have time right now to implement it, but you are free to add it. hope that you will share the modifications so I can add it to drop.rb.
thanks for the suggestion
came up with a trick - the upgraded script could look for intersection not only from the component center but also from the four bounding points of the lower bounding plane - these 4 intersection would easily allow to compute the rotation needed for the original component...
TBD thanks for your encouragement, will share for sure, it's fairly easy with the bounding box proposal from above - will get to it tomorrow, hope that method works
stay tuned