Hello everyone, my spaceship again! :D
Wow, new forum!
Haven't posted in awhile unfortunately - college life has been busy for me. This was made out of about three hours of doodling, just extruding, resizing, editing, etc - there's only three unique objects in there, discounting the engine thrusters in the back - the front things, the center, and the back things.
Anyway, enjoy (I hope!)
EDIT: This, hopefully, will be a UT3 level - I'm going to blow it up (I know, I modeled the whole thing just to blow it up
), and use the chunks as a level
Cool UT. Maybe you could put a huge piece of space junk over top of it and use Sketchy Physics to "bust er up".
Are you planning on rendering it?
Very nice. Keep it up.
They look great. Keep posting.
Really nice work.
Why did you decide to go for detailing rather than texturing?
He did not want to stop playing
this looks so damn good with the detailing! it'll look way better, rendered with all of this detail...definitely a good choice.. i love it.. keep em coming.
Very nice! Especially now the detailing is coming! Do you have an example (like a picture or something) or is it pure imagination?
Just when I thought I couldn't be further impressed by SketchUp's capabilities... I see this!
Simply breathtaking!
You've inspired me to learn how to wring every ounce of juice from this program!