Abstract Expressionist House 1
This is the first of what I hope will be a series of Abstract Expressionist houses. They are an attempt to combine my interests in using SketchUp to produce abstract art and to produce architecture. We'll see how it goes. As usual feedback much appreciated.
Some additional views of the first of the abstract expressionist houses. I'll be working on number two this weekend.
Thanks for showing Fbartels,
I enjoyed viewing. I'd like to learn more about the materials that you propose using also you might consider using some the the 'Style' for presentation. I think some of them would when lend themselves to showing these this design to great effect.
Thanks so much for the feedback. Much appreciated. I'll play around with styles a bit on the next one, good suggestion.
Regarding materials. I propose nothing. I have no idea. If pressed I'd say extruded aluminum, plastic, fiberglass, wood, concrete and stone, but since I never expect one of these things to be built I'm not particularly worried about it. I'm just having fun playing with the shapes.