Rendered for a friend
Thanks Marked
I must admit I had to level light/color in Maxwell because of the strange orange/red overcast the physical sky seems to produce in 1.5.
I don't know about the new update 1.6 that has just been released today.Fryrenders Physical sky doesn't seem to have that colorcast...but at the risk of being dull?
I am not sure. Chema (developer of Fry) announced that upcoming 0.9 version will have improved colors for their physical sky...Vray has a really nice color bleeding going on with their sky system.
However, for exterior shots, renderings can easily look washed out and need some leveling in post.Oh well, nothing is perfect
@kwistenbiebel said:
So to me, there is no real winner here.
The magic solution to me would be to have a 'hybrid' render engine that calculates an unbiased solution ('brute force'methods like MLT and all sorts of pathtracing) with a little help of some 'biased' code to clean difficult indirect lit parts.
Well... What can I say... But I'm sure that you're going to be pleased with next KT2008 release...@kwistenbiebel said:
Let's see what the future brings.
Hi Frederick,
You make me curious
I know Indigo has a 'hybrid' option, but it is a mix of different 'unbiased' calculations (PPT+ MLT, BiPT + MLT, etc...) so it's actually adding 'slow' to 'not so slow'(I think Indigo is a good render engine BTW)
However, the mix of 'biased' + 'unbiased' I only saw (sort of) in Vray...
Are you indicating that Kerkythea will go that route?
Sounds interesting... -
I like maxwell tests...
So have you try new MR 1.6 + 1.1 skp-exporter?
I look at plugins_improv_bug.doc@unknownuser said:
SketchUp toolbar was implemented for Maxwell SketchUp tools
All the cameras for all the SketchUp pages are exported to the Maxwell MXS file as inactive cameras for possible later use in Maxwell Studio.
Full support for SketchUp texture manipulation added โ texture rotation, skewed textures, and photo-manipulated textures are supported.
Maxwell Command Line parameters can be entered directly in the SketchUp dialog
Image search path support was implemented into the SketchUp export dialog - it is now possible to specify the path for missing textures.
Ruby dialogs were rewritten using the Maxwell Render color scheme
Visible Render area indicator was added to the Ruby script
Pick focal length and Show render area were integrated in the camera dialog
Protect geometry and Low priority switches were added to the export dialog
Reset all options in the export dialog was implemented
GMT offset was wrong on OSX Intel machines - fixed.
Materials were updated to use the new internal material mechanisms
Default tone mapping options is set properly now
MXI export switch works properly again
Film width/height controls were added back to camera dialog
Entities with different SketchUp texture clones were exported as a single object - fixed. -
Hi Biebel,
All very good images. I'm impressed with the fryrender ones. Unless I've missed something i cant seem to find the plug-in or exporter for SU on there website. Where abouts did you find it?
Any info would be appreciated
Hello Matt
feversoft gives it(in full package) for registered users... -
does it mean that the new version of KT comes out only in 2008?
kt2008 may be released before xmas provided the RC testing (which is goin on rite now
) doesnt get stuck with some maaaajor setbacks...
besides 2008 aint that far away! -
Isn't now a good time to spill some specs on the upcoming release?