Missing Buttons
I seem to be missing some buttons on the Sketchy Physics toolbars
I unzipped the files into the plugins folder.Can anyone tell me what I've done wrong?
Many Thanks
looks like you have them all to me...
these are the only buttons I know of...
the far right button is the UI that opens a dialog box.
Yeah they are all there. And then some, it looks like you have SketchyReplay installed too. You can probably remove that. It is way out of date.
I don't seem to have the record buttons. to record animation that everyone else has
I think they are doing their's externally, with something like Fraps or the like. something that records video of your screen movements.
although I'm not sure on this.
There is no record button- animation is a feature that has yet to be added.
On the Google tutorial for the hinged door there is a red button which doesn't appear on my toolbar. Sorry to be a pain in the ass.
Hmmm... well spotted, I don't have that button either. It must be either an outdated UI or more likely the person who made the tut is using a beta of the next release.
Thanx Jackson
I thought i was going mad. Phew problem solved