Roofed Entry Gate Kit we shipped to England!
This is a Roofed Entry Gate Kit we shipped to to an exclusive area in South- East England, built using beautiful hand selected California redwood
Such a beautiful site, and look at that Tudor mansion in the background
Beautiful California Redwood in the English sunshine!
you can see more here, even a pic of my shop dawg! -
What about the rendering engine? which engine did you use?
Majid if you're asking about the first image that's straight out of SUp, I don't render or post process except for maybe a crop here and there
I think it's fantastic. England has similar covered gate traditions. How is it set for bracing? Are the posts set in concrete? There seem to be some copper shoes on the posts. How deep do those go?
Wow Joe, another work of art from your hands! Thanks for sharing.
wow Majid you have a graphic's, or artist person's eye, I don't see any of that!
now that I look at it, might be the gold color flush on the foreground tree? That's a new garden, so all those trees are recent transplants, maybe because they're not all orientating the same toward the sun that's fooling the eye?
Thanks Joe. The second image made me doubt that if this is a real photo or a render because:
The hedge bush leaves seems somehow larger than normal and the two trees in med-distance seems strange, as both of them seems that are in shadow while the close one seems to be lit up with sun. -
@joe wood said:
wow Majid you have a graphic's, or artist person's eye, I don't see any of that!
...Thanks for clarification... And yes I do paintings and recently am sharing some simple tutorials of mine: and on youtube also: