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SketchUp Voice Command workflow with PS-Move controller
I have been struggling with my RSI on right hand and try to get rid of mouse & keyboard as much as possible, thus lead me to this workflow: modelling on a pen display and PS-Move navigation controller combined with some voice commands powered by WSR & Vocola 3.1 ...I would like to share them for everyone who interest to try the new approach for SketchUP modelling!
Here is the concept:
- Navigate the view and access some basic operation for model like create, modify and transform geometry with just PS-Move controller in your hand
- Use keyboard shortcuts and input all numeric values while modelling with voice commands
- Relax your hands...
Here is some basic demo & explanation
You can get the voice command file and controller profile on my Gumroad, available Free !
This is what awaiting us in 15-20 years.