SketchyPhysics help
Hey dear sketchup users,
iam just trying to finish my model and i cant get how to make working twine with sketchy physics it is just still fixed like pipeline, it dont move. have somebody any idea how to make that ?
Thank you.
How did you modeled it?
Some files and images ?
What ?
iam asking how to do that i dont have it
one more question, i made chain and it not hold together parts simply crumble and fall down. why ? all are groups of course
I have another question iam trying to make working chain but parts always crumble and they dont hold together, why please ??? All are groups of course state is notthing and shape default.
Can somebody help why this doing i dont nderstand this logic.;id=136532
There are already some answers to this question in your other topic, you shouldn't double post this.;t=64038