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Access module variables from inside a module class
I have the following code
module MyModule @@settings_hash = {} if File.exists?(SETTINGS_PATH) @@settings_hash = YAML;;load_file SETTINGS_PATH puts @@settings_hash end def self.get_settings(hash_key) @@settings_hash.[](hash_key.to_sym) end ... ... @@settings_hash gets used here inside several function blocks ... class SensorNodeInfoTool ... ... def m_get_set(string) MyModule.get_settings(string) end def onLButtonDown(flags, x, y, view) ... ... if m_get_set("ws_type") == 'NOWSDL' client = Savon.client(endpoint; m_get_set("endp"), namespace; m_get_set("ns")) elsif m_get_set("ws_type") == 'WSDL' client = Savon.client(wsdl; m_get_set("doc")) end ... ...
The problem is using Module @@ or @ variables inside a Class that is inside the same Module, like my SensorNodeInfoTool there. I don't think I have found a way to access @variables yet (I think those are called Module Instance variables). The above code has @@variables and I have to use a the module namespace AND set a reader method, and I have also used a second function inside the Class to not have to use the Module namespace prefix. Is there another more proper way? I have the feeling that I might be doing it wrong.
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