Lakeside Campsite
A recent image using Maxwell Render, component spray for the 25,000 proxies and maxwell sea modifier. I also used volumetric fog.
Very nice! Very realistic.
Just need some wake behind the canoes mate. I did an animation probably more than a decade ago when beta testing Artlantis studio. I had boats meant to be moving on the water, I just put a mesh making the waves that pulled above the water plane and it worked a treat.
They must be drifting. Oh I just noticed one thing. The birds in the sky look too regular like a fighter squadron!
Yes the birds and canoes need a wake not sure how to do that as it's a maxwell sea modifier, i suppose i could position a wake png with alpha on a plane a mm above the water. Thanks for the comments guys.
Where did you get canoeist models?
They are billboards shhhhhh it's a secret (i'm glad you thought they were models). I added them below show me what you can do The images i found online and did some rudimentary photoshop selection and deleting then saved as .png
Thanks! I just worked on the water and added an HDRI. A little morning breeze on the pond. I'll try something more ambitious later.
Looks good ! Billboards are a little pain because they have built in lighting and shadows i tried to match that lighting in my image. I think it'd help you to have the sun behind the camera on the left.