First working power jack in Warehouse
Hey guys I just spent the better half of this month getting this forsaken power jack to work and I want to show it to everyone. Being a beginner it was challenging but now I have a vast knowledge on how to do almost everything necessary for basic functions. Pictures below of the jack and also a fork lift deal. Credits to Johhny P. and peterski for pallets and lifts. I tried using my own model but wheel hop was too intense.
Good start
I would suggest a few things:
[:1jf20nsw]The yellow wheel felt bouncy because it was pushed out of the volume occupied by the collision of SKI vehicle. The collision shape of an object doesn't appear the same as it is drawn. To see the actual collision shape of an object, select (Context Menu) -> SketchyPhysics -> Debug -> Readback Collision Geometry, and press play. It will show the collision wireframe of an object. One way to prevent this problem is by setting the SKI object to Not-Collidable state [(Context Menu) -> SketchyPhysics -> State -> Not Collidable].[/1jf20nsw]
[:1jf20nsw]Your two forks, too, tend to push out the two mini front wheels out of the way. I would suggest entering one level deep into the fork, and settings the two forks to Ignore. And adding two custom collision shapes. Adding custom collision objects might seem strange, but that's how games are generally made - the real mesh is set to ignore and the custom collision objects act as the new collision shape for the real mesh. Here is an image of what I mean:[/
[*:1jf20nsw]Your model could be overall reduced in size, by removing co-planar edges and unused component definitions. I would suggest using TT CleanUp plugin. When you ready to upload the model follow these insturections:- Go to (menu) Plugins > CleanUp > Clean...
- Make sure scope is set to model.
- Make sure optimizations purge unused checkbox is enabled.
- Press CleanUp button, save model, and your good to upload.[/list
- Your "look forklift" scene had description of "camera follow a"; however, there are no objects named with "a". I changed it to "Camera follow forklift", and set SKI's name to "forklift". Now, when you select that scene and play simulation, the camera will actually follow the forklift.
- It is a good practice to hide joints when playing simulation. The good way is to turn off the "Physics Joints" layer. I customized your scenes to turn off the Physics Joints layer automatically. I also added an "Edit" scene, which actually shows all physics joints, so you can edit your model. Many experienced SketchyPhysics users do that.
Other than that, it was a good start, especially with knowing how to use the joints properly. Some people just don't know how to use them properly, but you got it all figured out. Good job!
Here is an optimized version of your model. You can update it at 3D Warehouse.FORKLIFT_KL.skp
Thank you for the help! I'm glad you could help me out! I feel I have learned a lot in just the short time since I have started and you have helped me improve. Happy the community here is helpful. Thank you