Medieval church
A very strong evening lit version with the sun just peaking over the edge of the foreground building.
Loving the misty one and the first lake image. Bravo David! great style.
Excellent warm tones. When i have some time i'm going to try a nature scene next.
beautyful pictures!
in the pursuit of perfection
Heres one more NPR of a very still summers evening with a stone bridge.
I also removed the buildings surrounding the church to try and simplify the composition.
2 more NPRs using the same Thea Render set up but with different buildings which were downloaded from the 3D Warehouse.
A render previously uploaded to the Thea render website,the building is the same model as before,downloaded from the 3d warehouse,the second image is also based around a model downloaded from the 3d warehouse(both images rendered in Thea Render)
Keep them coming, David.
Maybe he's just come back from Nebraska
That special place in Nebraska.
read this thread and see how off-topic it went! you will see how butful relates to nebraska. somehow.
What the hell it just gets better, this is ridiculous!!
David I'm serious mate, I'd call you a great render artist but that would be an insult - it cant be pigeon holed like that - you are a true artist in every way.
Your lighting is always perfect, with just the right amount of glare one would expect under those conditions - this is the bit that really blows me away.
Brilliant depth of field.
Composition is nailed and you always create an image that draws and intrigues the viewer.
And best of all I think you have the restraint to limit effects or treatments and never go to excess!
You're like my hero!
Thank you so much Rich,- I try to make most of my images that little bit different,and a little but obscure,if that;s the right word.
I do a lot of straight-forward renders for clients but they don't offer the same enjoyment that my own variations on some of my own work does.
I am so much more interested in trying to create a world,often a more idealised image, - i.e low evening sun,whats going on behind the hedges-its why I often use birds in my images but even here they are blurred,and sent back into the distance to suggest there is more beyond the trees, a bigger world.
these are really great , mannn.
stunning david. completely convincing.