How good is the use of RAMDisk? Does it work?
I have been implementing the use of RAMDisk on my PC, I have 32 GB of RAM and 8 of them intended to use RAMDisk.
I've been working with some file that weighs more than 50 MB. And Sketchup slows down every time I add new objects.
and I have a few questions?
How much does the program use to access hard drive?
Is there a possibility of working with SketchUp using the virtual disk?
Need help on anything to performance?It occurs to me that I could use the command MLINK and so the disk access times are reduced drastically ... but ... What files or folders to the virtual disk should be moved?
Please excuse my poor use of the English language.
(¿Que tan bueno es el uso de RAMDisk? ¿Funciona?
He estado implementando el uso de RAMDisk en mi PC, tengo 32 GB en RAM y 8 de ellos destinados al uso de RAMDisk.
y tengo unas preguntas?
He estado trabajando con algun archivo que pesa mas de 50 MB. Y Sketchup se relentiza cada que añado objetos nuevos.
¿Que tanto uso hace el programa de accesos a disco duro?
¿Existe la posibilidad de trabajar con SketchUp usando el disco virtual?
¿Ayuda en algo al rendimiento?Se me ocurre que podria utilizar el comando MLink y de esa manera los tiempos de acceso a disco se reducen drasticamente... pero... ¿que archivos o carpetas deberian trasladarse al disco virtual?
if you don't need the safety then just disable the autosave...
you experience that SketchUp is slow on some big files and want to improve speed.@unknownuser said:
How much does the program use to access hard drive?
How much of what? (I'm not an expert so I also wouldn't know what to put in that question)
As far as I know, a RAMdisk means to copy files stored on a (slow) hard drive into a part of the (faster) RAM. (So the opposite of virtual memory.)
This would not generally increase the speed of SketchUp during modeling, only Open and Save operations. Also I don't think the bottleneck of SketchUp's Open and Save operations is always the disk IO, but it can also be the CPU. -
Sketchup depends on processor core speed, the faster the core the better the performance. However, SU can only use one core on a multi-core processor.
You can try the RAMDISK and see how it goes, but I don't think it will help much if at all.
I have an i7 3.2 Ghz, on even the largest file the most annoying feature that will slow SU down is the auto-save. It takes forever on a large file. You can disable this feature at your own peril, it has saved my work on many an occasion where a plugin has caused a bugsplat. Also, choosing an SU style that has the fewest features can boost on screen performance of SU, i.e. shadows, profiles, endpoints, etc. all have an effect on how large scenes act.
thank you all for your responses.
and disable the auto-save and also use the plugin "purge"
I also began to use lighter styles, turn them off shades and styles that make the SU slower.