MIDI/Sound bug in SP3 for the Mac
At some point in time, Apple changed a bunch of the sound/midi handling APIs. I hadn't run the code in awhile but somebody pointed out that SP3 for the Mac wasn't working at all because it failed at launch with an error concerning MusicDeviceMIDIEvent. Turns out that the APIs used to map that function into the AudioToolbox.framework but now it is resident in AudioUnit.framework.
The fix to SP3 for the Mac is pretty straightforward. You need to add a line to the dls_synth.rb file (it is in the Midiator/lib directory within the SP3 installation directory structure inside of the Application Support directory)
Change dls_synth.rb by adding a second dlload command directly after the dlload command for AudioToolbox. Create a copy of the line and substitute AudioUnit for AudioToolbox. You need both dlload commands since the audio support code is scattered across both frameworks.
For those interested in specified directions:
module AudioToolbox
extend DL::Importable
dlload '/System/Library/Frameworks/AudioToolbox.framework/Versions/Current/AudioToolbox'and change to: (note blue line at bottom)
module AudioToolbox
extend DL::Importable
dlload '/System/Library/Frameworks/AudioToolbox.framework/Versions/Current/AudioToolbox'
dlload '/System/Library/Frameworks/AudioUnit.framework/Versions/Current/AudioUnit'