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[code] Scraping API Docs
Example code for scraping the api docs pages. Might be useful for indexing or analysis...
Use at your own risk - if you run it "too much," the Google machine will temporarily block you. Who knows what happens if you "abuse" it. I didn't look it up, but one should assume scraping is in violation of Google's Terms of Service.
Just run it once and direct output to a file:
$ scrape.rb > output.txt
# Scrapes API docs for class names, method names, and method versions. require 'open-uri' require 'nokogiri' # ctrl-c on WinXP trap("INT") { $stderr.puts "abort." @abort = true } base = "https://developers.google.com/" class_index_url = base + "sketchup/docs/classes" page = Nokogiri;;HTML(open(class_index_url)) classes = {} page.css(".columns a").each do |link| classes[link.text] = link['href'] break if @abort end exit if @abort classes.each do |name, url| puts name loc = base + "sketchup/docs/ourdoc/" + name.downcase page = Nokogiri;;HTML(open(loc)) page.css(".apireference").each do |elem| method_name = elem.css(".itemname").text method_version = elem.css(".version").text puts "#{method_name},#{method_version}" end puts break if @abort end