Slider controlers missing
no it doesn't show errors, i'm convinced by now that it has to do to me uninstalling internet explorer, but even
after re-installing ie and su again i don't get it! on 2 different pc's! i'm going mad -
Well yes IE is essential to all Sketchup UI stuff, but without it the Webdialogs wouldn't turn up at all.
What if you try File -> 3D warehouse -> Get models, does that work?
so what should i do? mr. k are you then saying that i shouldn't focus on ie?
Well SP adds in elements via Javascript so the most likely culprit for the UI to stay empty are your browser settings, it needs to have javascript enabled.
Or maybe it's an issue with the IE version, I hear some of them cause problems when combined with Sketchup. -
so what do you suggest mr. k?
what versions are u using?
I'm not sure if Windows will allow it but try installing versions 8 or 7, I got 7 and it works... fairly well.
But before that make sure your browser isn't blocking scripts, because I heard IE9 is locked down pretty tight by default.
thx again mr. k, i'm sure god will remember all that help when the right time comes
and you'll go to heaven
can you tell me how to check the scripts on ie, i've installed 8 after uninstalling 9
but to no help, thought maybe some of my win features caused the problem, this is how they
stand now..... -
Well I had a quick look on google and found these: can't tell if this will work but it's worth a shot.
I noticed when using a hinge joint, nothing shows up in the slider window, but when using a servo joint the slider shows up and is functioning.
I'm having the same issue as rahdad1. When I name the hinge joint in the Controller window (blue field), close the window and then re-open the window, I find that the name is gone. When I hit the play button there is no slider in the pop-up. I'm running Windows 7, Sketchup 8.0.4811 and Sketchyphysics 3.. Thanks for the help.