The Milk Maid's Boudoir..
Well...what did you expect on a family forum! Here's a little milk farm on the Yorkshire Dales instead.
I find it interesting that you use the resolution that you do. 1600x1131. I don't think that's a common computer resolution. Out of curiosity, is there any specific correlation between the resolution you use and printing them off and framing them or whatever you do with them?
Tasty render, BTW.
Hello John. I always make a final render at 3508 x 2480px, that being the pixel size of A4 paper I believe. ( maybe I'm wrong and someone will correct me )when I re-size to upload to the forum those sizes I believe will be the ratio for 1600px wide.
John -
You know what i'm going to say, John, superb as usual.
Is there a problem with two of the skylights on the outbuilding, though?
Ah, I suspect many a clandestine late night visit to these humble quarters.
Great work John! -
@dale said:
Ah, I suspect many a clandestine late night visit to these humble quarters.
You dirty dog, John!