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Enums's index of an inputbox return
I was wondering if I could get the index of an enums selection directly.
In my example below, I want to choose between "2D" & "3D" for one variable. The return is either "2D" or "3D". But I want the index number instead, that is "0" for "2D", "1" for "3D".
How could I get the "0" or "1" if I don't compare the return with the list of the enums.
Thanks in advance
def hw_inputbox iaxi=1 t_iaxi = ["2D","3D"] enums = [t_iaxi.join("|")] values = [t_iaxi[iaxi]] prompts = ["Geo type; "] results = inputbox prompts, values, enums, "my Geo" return nil if not results $iaxi = results[0] your_slection=$iaxi UI.messagebox(your_slection) end UI.menu("Plugins").add_item("hw_inputbox") { hw_inputbox }
your_selection = t_iaxi.index( results[0] )
By the way Cean.. have you downloaded the CHM Reference for Standard Ruby 1.8.6 ??
It's posted here:
http://forums.sketchucation.com/viewtopic.php?f=180&t=10142&p=266725#p266725 -
all good now.
I'll download the ruby book.
Thanks dan.