Multi-Service Station Design..what do u think ?
Interesting. However, a retailer will not want the view of their store from the road blocked by that big sign wall you have in front. Visibility is everything. What is the round building and coma-shaped building on the sides?
I assume you are asking for a critique on the design from the title of the thread. Therefore:
A facility that services both passenger vehicles and cargo vehicles needs to separate the circulation and refueling of each sufficiently that they do not intermingle. Large tractor trailer rigs need very large turning radiuses. Even though many tractor drivers are very practiced at tight maneuvering, many automobile pilots are not. There would be conflicts both logistical and physical.
Also, the three tilt top structures, if they are intended only for tractor trailers would need a drive through arrangement to avoid excessive backing up.In short order, either the automobile drivers or the tractor drivers, or both would begin avoiding the place for inconvenience.
I feel that I was a bit blunt in the previous post.
However, I will say that the model shows considerable effort and perseverance and is part of an educational process that you should continue most certainly, as you have some very good ideas here. -
I would like to see some renders. I did a similar project a couple years ago. See:
@mitcorb said:
I assume you are asking for a critique on the design from the title of the thread. Therefore:
A facility that services both passenger vehicles and cargo vehicles needs to separate the circulation and refueling of each sufficiently that they do not intermingle. Large tractor trailer rigs need very large turning radiuses. Even though many tractor drivers are very practiced at tight maneuvering, many automobile pilots are not. There would be conflicts both logistical and physical.
Also, the three tilt top structures, if they are intended only for tractor trailers would need a drive through arrangement to avoid excessive backing up.In short order, either the automobile drivers or the tractor drivers, or both would begin avoiding the place for inconvenience.
Good evening sir, and thanks for answering, I appreciate it
first of all, I want to say that I'm very happy to learn from you, and ur remarks are some kind of lessons to me (As I'm still student of architecture from Algeria)
Secondly, this is actually just a sketch, the whole work was done in approximate dimensions, proportions were the keyword for this work, didnt read any documentation about this kind of facilities (4hours sketching, modeling and texturing), I was really aware of the technical aspect of the facility (as u have said : large turning radiuses...) I went back to the model and took some measurements they appeare as following :please tell me if is it enough for the maneuvering of both cars and trucks,
the three garages are actually for both truck and cars, waiting for ur answer sir
@daniel said:
Interesting. However, a retailer will not want the view of their store from the road blocked by that big sign wall you have in front. Visibility is everything. What is the round building and coma-shaped building on the sides?
Thank you very much for answering
the coma shape thing is actually a restaurant (just a concept of restaurant/cafeteriat)and the round building is a small office for the manager and also where paying bills will take place
speaking about those retails, I think that it will appears way befor we arrive to that wall (which is actually for protection a reinforced concret wall)
is that make sens sir ? -
@ InterArchi:
Thank you for clarifying the fact that this was what we called in school: escisse, or en charrette, or simply a sketch project. This reinforces my second reply. Every experience, good or bad, is education--learning.
There may be cultural differences in the way projects are designed where you live, in Algeria, and where I live, in the USA, as well as established design guidelines and regulations which would most definitely come into play in a serious project outside of school.
Why not show this correspondence to your professor, if you like.Hands across the water
@mitcorb said:
@ InterArchi:
Thank you for clarifying the fact that this was what we called in school: escisse, or en charrette, or simply a sketch project. This reinforces my second reply. Every experience, good or bad, is education--learning.
There may be cultural differences in the way projects are designed where you live, in Algeria, and where I live, in the USA, as well as established design guidelines and regulations which would most definitely come into play in a serious project outside of school.
Why not show this correspondence to your professor, if you like.Hands across the water
@Mitcorb I told u sir that I will keep learning from you; I didnt know that the word ''esquisse in french '' exists in english so good to know
I will probably show it to my professor (we're still in vacation here)
I may sketch some other projects and I will absoluatly ask for you point of view, as I will post some views in here Thank you again sir -
Well, escisse(my spelling) doesn't actually exist in English. It is just one of those borrowed terms that some people have a habit of including in their conversations. I only included here because I see you are from Algeria, a country with some French history.
I did not mean to appear pompous.
As a matter of fact, you do not even need to afford me the "sir".
I assume we here are more or less equal until we earn the demotion. -
@mitcorb said:
Well, escisse(my spelling) doesn't actually exist in English. It is just one of those borrowed terms that some people have a habit of including in their conversations. I only included here because I see you are from Algeria, a country with some French history.
I did not mean to appear pompous.
As a matter of fact, you do not even need to afford me the "sir".
I assume we here are more or less equal until we earn the demotion.Alright '' sir ''
I hope my english is a bit good
I have never used a render software do u have an idea ?
Regarding the Render Software:
I will quickly tell you that there are others here who can better serve you on this question. Maybe you can search through the Forum, see what has been discussed in other threads. There is at least one thread on best renderer. Just use keywords in the search box.
Good Luck