Rogue's W.I.P's!
vary nice
Thanks for the comments
File size is still just over 7MB.
New wheel:
Yo, Ben
Just rated that one.
I, myself, am working on a volvo 850 estate. Coming along pretty well too.
850 estate, nice, any chance of pic's?
Oh, F! It! here’s a peek at the dials.. All digital! Just like the feature on the first Milano, it’s gonna have a move and replace feature; dials.... Damn hard work
Do you use any plugins? If you dont, your work could be even better if you download some of the good ones. I have the tools on surface, its very useful.
My my, we just typed a post at the same instant. I'll post some pics of my volvo on my models thread.
@unknownuser said:
Yes, I have gotten into the same habbit. When i open a image in photo gallery every now and again i click and drag to orbit (damn silly idea). Somehow my mind thinks I can orbit a 2d image to see more of it.
You think you have a bad habbit...I try to orbit when I'm using microsoft word!!
Thanks for the advice, have just acquired tools on surface. I usually just use Fredo Scale and Joint push/pull. This is a nice addition! Fredo makes some damn great plugins.
I know what you mean. Fredo does make excellent plugins. I have the joint push pull . Quite helpful.
Hope they help you to work faster and better!
I am just about to start on a muscle car...Hope it works out.
Any chance of a link to your post?
Model update:
Poly count: 170,000 approx
Size: 8.4MB approx
ETA: Coming weekend, hopefully.It’s getting big, fast!
Can I see some exterior shots of the Milano? I have gotta see a model with that big a file size...
As for the link to my thread:
It is, as I said before a muscle car, based on the ford mustang 2009 model. Can't get any more specific than that...
The roof panel has a seam to separate it from the column panel.
The windscreen was all manually meshed, but I got it somewhat neat, If I may say so...
Well, there are exterior shots back a few pages. It’s not really the exterior that’s adding all the detail, its the interior
So that interior is...shall we say, rather large?
Wow. It's added about 2MB to the file size, eh?
I just seperated out the interior and it, alone, is about 3.5MB
Wow! BTW, I just posted some shots of my WIP muscle car on my thread. Check 'em out please!
Did you know that there is a Ford factory in Michigan called the Rogue factory? I've been there before on a tour.
Is that what your name is based on? -
Ah, the Ford - River Rouge Complex. No relation
It was just a name I decided upon a few years ago. It was actually a secondary name for one of my designs but when I played around with a few other names it just felt right. -
I see. Still a nice coincidence.
At the time I visited the Rogue Complex, I was rather young...9 or 10. Needless to say, I really wasn't interested, but now I'd like to go there again
Gotta get those Almost-Near-Finished pics uploaded to my thread. You'll like my new wheels.
Also, Ben,
I was looking at the pictures of your red mustang on Page 5 of this thread, and I noticed that the two hemispheres of your cars had, for example, one had a rear light and the other didn't. It seems that you do not use the mirror tool. Do you use it?
Nope, I only create one side of the shell; it’s a much cleaner modeling process and produces cleaner, better results. I create components from the existing parts and flip them. Parts that crossover the centreline are simply one component with flipped mesh. That pic you mentioned was still a WIP so you can see the components from one side that are completed and the components that cross the centreline completed, I hadn’t yet flipped and moved into place the finished components.