Dickens' Desk in SketchUp
In the interest of sharing with fellow SketchUp folks, I was recently looking for an interesting desk to draw and came upon an outstanding original desk from the 1880s styled after the famed Charles Dickens’ desk. This desk has the same characteristics of the original Dickens Desk including twin pedestals, double drawer handles and a sloped writing surface that opens to reveal additional storage space and drawers. The SketchUp model can be found in the 3D Warehouse or on my web site, Creeksidewoodshop.com . Ron
That's a terrific desk and a super model. I haven't seen your stuff or your web site before - both great. I am really glad you posted this.I'd love to build it but I am not sure where in our house it would fit. I note the use of planted drawer fronts which I have never had much luck with - I suppose because they have mostly not been made from QS material and they have cupped on me. Still, this piece cries to be made from QS oak (or mahogany I suppose).
Hello Chris, I see that you’re from England so this desk should be perfect for you. This desk, and others similar to this one, was popular in Victorian England during the 3rd quarter of the 19th century. I don’t know who manufactured them but there was definitely a popular theme for this style desk. The original desk that I patterned this one from (selling for about $4,500) was built in quarter sawn Oak. Others were done in Mahogany. By the way, the original Dickens’ Desk was auctioned in June of 2008 for $850,000. The price of Oak has gone up in the last couple of years but you should still be able to build one for much, much less. Ron
How did you render this model?
Oh I see..kerky! excellent job.
Beautiful desk, great model and very nice rendering.
If I built this desk, I would leave out the center portion and plant that desk in front of a window with a peaceful view of the garden and while away my days contently.