Utility Building (WIP)
Preliminary design for a small utility building to go in a historic neighborhood - client wants something that will blend in. My boss suggested adding the cupola; I'm not so sure. Comments appreciated.
(images deleted temporarily, at client's request)
Nice clean model Daniel.
Now what exactly do you mean by "blend in"?
Does it need to mimic the architecture around it? if so do you have any images?
IMO the best blending is done with vegetation, with enough of that around it could even disappear
By blending in, they mean something that it looks like it would have been built "long ago" when the other historic structures (houses) were built, which is a hodge-podge of craftsman and early revival styles, built in the early half of the 1900s. Unfortunately, there is a smattering of less sympathetic contemporary structures, too. The client wants to be a "good neighbor" to the historic neighborhood association which can be quite vocal. Other than the existing trees (not shown), there will be little or no landscaping, as they do not have the budget to maintain it.
Overall I like it. Nice and clean and does have a period feel to it. I think once you add in some more detail (lighting and any additional vegetation) it will help out. Are you going to model any of the adjacent buildings to show how this "blends in"? I think that would help sell the idea. I recently did this and left the other buildings in white. It helped to show the new structure and how it affected the others but without the others stealing the show from the new construction. Just an idea.
I think it does good.
i like it -
Like the design. Nice and clean design. Hope It will stay that way because here in the Netherlands most Utility buildings become a grafitti masterpiece after only one week
Greetz from Pugz
Thanks, guys.
Scott, I doubt I will model the surrounding buildings, our design budget will not allow it, and I have another element of this project to design and model. I MIGHT use photos of the neighborhood for background, if I can get some decent ones.