Just finished
Nice details! Are you placing the biscuits, dowel pins and dowel holes manually?
And, you get a parts breakdown of your project too! Extract into any folder, double-click the .html file, and show it off to your friends.
edit: BTW, it seems there are 22 biscuits, not 20! I would hate for you to have to run to the store a second time! har har
edit #2: Ah, size #20 biscuits. Gotchya.
This is better
O, I didn't noticed there are thumbnails in your CutList - that is very nice! How did You do that?
Ah, my failing eyes took the screws to be dowels. Nice.
As I sit here brushing of a load of sawdust, I was wondering if anyone has the problem I have with my Ryobi biscuit cutter. When I use the setting for a number 10 biscuit, the biscuit is too big for the slot. I have to cut one slot for a #10 and the other for a #20 to get a fit that will close with no gap.