Umpteenth Vray test
I'ma like, your images really have a very artistic sense to it!
Ah jest wanted t'make sumpin purdy ...
Another Vray "redo". 3m 18.7s for a 1200 x 676 image. Not bad!
Kim, look at how crisp that thing is! Whoa!
Stinkie, the last one which I assume you do not like, actually has a very ominous feeling to it, there is a loneliness, almost a recognisable place of the past, I like it and hate it at the same time.
Nice to see no blur, tired of squinting to your work
I do like it - one of my favorites! (Same goes for the earlier Indigo version.)
I so totally intend on doing a series of brightly lit, crisp Vray 'interiors'. Lots of possibilities there.
that last one reminds me af going in to measure for as-builts of hospital basements... come to think of it... that first one does too.
@solo said:
there is a loneliness, almost a recognisable place of the past, I like it and hate it at the same time.
Well said, very well said.