Virtual builder plugin - help
I ve downloaded the beta version and using it.
My query is how to hide the xd objects which are in preposition stage
sai sankar
What plugin is this? I don't think Im familiar with it? Is it offered here on this forum?
@chris fullmer said:
What plugin is this? I don't think Im familiar with it? Is it offered here on this forum?
Hi Cris
Its this one
Ah yes, that one. Since its a commercial plugin, you probably should contact them directly. Their website should have an email address. No one here is really qualified to speak on behalf of them - except Pout I suppose
But you couold probably find him quicker by just emailing their company.
i must have missed this topic, sorry saiscience83
To hide objects in there pre-active stage, you just delete that material.
Let's say for example you want buildings that are going to be constructed hidden before the construction starts.
Then you just have to delete the material 'Construction_pre' from the materials library.