DOF- V-ray for SU
Hello, this it's my first successful DOF test with v-ray. In the first place, I tried to achieve this via physical camera, but I gave up soon, because it was hard to setup the exposure correctly. It was all about balancing F number with the other. So, I turned off physical camera, and I just played with aperture. I think , the most important thing, it's to know the exact focal distance, then, transform that distance to inches, and override focal distance.
This is the raw v-ray output by the way.
Great result Stefan, I too get confused with all the camera settings, one needs to be a photographer to understand all the parameters thus I nomally rely on PP for DOF, but looks like you have figured it out well.
congratulations stefan. this is one of the difficult thing to achieve in vray SU.
Thank you very much! I'm still "green" because I couldn't get DOF with physical camera. O well.....
By the way, Pete, I'm still waiting to see you mastering v-raybecause you have ....something native for this, not for v-ray , but for all rendering apps, as far as I noticed.
Stefan -
yeah stefan...keep pushing this. DOF effects are great and often a challenge to accomplish in vray. Have any of you ever tried using photoshop plugins like "Alien Skin" software to get your DOF effects....I am looking more and more into it, but i dont know if i am sold on it yet. And Pete, im with stefan on this one and anxious to see some of your vray work as well. I havent been around on the forums as much as I would like to lately so I hope learning the software is working out well for you. Keep up the good work stefan.