Project says requires sketchyphysics3 rc1
i have started using sketcy physics which is a brilliant bit of software but i have come up against a problem. in the corner of the project area screen i have had for a while it saying " requires sketchy physics3 rc1" i have been searching on net for this and have had no luck. today i have been doing a project making a giant dominoe rally (important stuff, saving the planet and that) and the words requires sketchyphysics3 rc1 is now in the middle of the screen. what is going on and where can i get this rc1 thing from.
That's just a notification to others attempting use your model (You already have SP3 RC1, or, more likely, the experimental version). It's so that, if you share your model, others know its needs SketchyPhysics of that version or above to play the sim properly.
thanks for that. so how do i get rid of it from the middle of my screen?
Select it like any normal object, and hit 'delete' on your keyboard. Alternatively, you can use the move tool on it to get it where you want.