Very nice, but the floor is to shiny for me.
But everything else i like it a lot
This image looks great! It appears that your light fixtures are not fully recessed into your ceiling though... Also, your background may be a bit too blurry to achieve that photo effect, but a very nice image!
@ HvanEssen
thanks for the comment bro!! the floor was done to be that way, because i was trying to depict a freshly polished floor which would show cleanliness, wherein this is needed for this hotel/ residential project situated somewhere remote here in the philippines. blessed be!!@ siehthree
the lights were very rushed,my apologies. the background was my boss' request,he was very furious with what he wants regarding the background, i had nothing to do but follow. hehe!! thanks so much bro!! blessed be!!
Hi delineator,
Very nice render.
I don't know why, but when i watch your render, it reminds me a model, with very small objetcs. Maybe due to the deph of field. I don't know...
Is anyone felleing the same thing ? Or should I go to a doctor
Anyway, it is currently snowy and cold here in Paris. I'd like to be in that sunny place
Hi delineator, Nice usable render. I too do not care for the highly reflective floor and would tone it down a bit, but agree with the blurred background as it gives the feeling of depth. The render could use more contrast, perhaps your ceiling and the background is on the light side.
No need to apologize, this is still a quality render, I know it can be quite difficult to please the 'man'... Keep up the good work!
Either I'll be banned from these sites for my 'critical critiques...'
My observations:
- The carpet under the coffee table looks too fake. The materials showing on the side of the carpet match those showing on the top. This shouldn't be the case.
- You show 3 copies of the same magazine twice. Is this on purpose since it is a hotel?
- The pillows on the couch are too pointy. They need to smoothed out a bit.
- There is something about the plant in the corner that really draws my eye. I'm not sure that its because the background is blurred or that it looks too 'real' compared with the rest of the model., but it just grabs my attention first.
I honestly do like the rendering and I feel like I'm a hypocrite since I have yet to render a thing, but as I said in another post. Its part of my daily job (QA of sorts).
I agree with all of rickgraham's comments. Those are the little things that make really sweet renderings. I would also add that the stream of light from the can lights should be taken out or blurred slightly.
I think overall its a good start, just keep workin on it!
Very nice rendering. The floor doesn't bother me (wish I could get mine that shiny). I don't think you'd see the cones of light coming from the ceiling fixtures delineated during daytime, however. The background image isn't too bad since the focus is in the forground, but I can see some jpeg artifacts in it.
thanks very much for the comments, i guess these would further help me fix whatever needs to be improved. i'll have to practice more this holiday, while enjoying christmas!
i'll be posting some of my other works for you guys to comment upon. i'd be very glad to learn from all of you here in sketchucation. thanks once again.