Quick and Dirty WIP...very raw + V2
modeled and rendered in 10 minutes? what, are you kidding me? that's incredible. i probably misread though. nobody could model that and render it in 10 minutes. nobody human at least. you are human, aren't you?!
regardless of how little time you spent on it, I love the look!! how did you achieve it? -
@troyhome said:
nobody human at least. you are human, aren't you?!
Hehe, Yes I would love to see a real-time YouTube of that.
sorry..I do not think I was clear enough. I just copied this from Podium forum. It was meant rendered and post processed.
Thanks Troyhome and James
Modeling took much longer than that. Rendered in Podium under 4minutes . PP in Photoshop. Curves, colour contrast, high pass.....blending....+ SU monochrome no shadows export twice the resolution 20% multiply blend... vignette...frame...merge layers...save
Second one has different colour mapping + extra vignette.
Lovely...and quite appealing!
An excellent render here.
This gave me an idea BTW. Thanks sid. -
@sepo said:
Thanks Troyhome and James
Modeling took much longer than that. Rendered in Podium under 4minutes . PP in Photoshop. Curves, colour contrast, high pass.....blending....+ SU monochrome no shadows export twice the resolution 20% multiply blend... vignette...frame...merge layers...save
Second one has different colour mapping + extra vignette.
twice the res? i'll have to try that- probably gives a more crisp image...
OK...forgot to mention there is blended sky gradient as well.
Thanks Tomsdesk and Michalis. I really enjoy this combo I call "No fuss presentation"
I love them, really a nice mood, I just don't get it how you could see that as a sketch hehe
I would love to achieve such quality in NPR!Btw, do you have more info to share about Podium 2.0..? Sounds very interesting ^^
Thanks FoXar. Podium V2 is hitting beta shortly and I mean it. Podium has new render engine under the hood. Love the clarity and colour depth which we have with new version.
Wow great that's nice to know, is it the new Thea engine btw? Sure it's looking nice, warm and vibrance colours, great contrast,
looking forward to test, damn so many renew (and great) rendering apps coming out this year, Thea, Podium, Twilight, Vue, Vray,.. and I'm sure I've forgot
to add some to the list.
Btw, will I have the need to have a key for testing?Greetings
No it is not Thea. It is brand new render engine nothing to do With Kerky or Thea. When we move into Public Beta (very soon) than existing owners of Podium will have access to test V2....so you need to own V1.x in order to test V2.
And yes love the crispness of the renders. Still simple to use, really nothing around this simple.
Sure it's awesome, the crispness can be compared to higher end renderers like Vray and such, looking forward to test the trial, as I don't have any key
Great work on the software anyways! -
I think the quality is there as you say, with big guys. It took us a long time but we are there I at last. It is not as easy to have render quality such as Vray and have simplictity that beginers can grasp in no time.
There are still small issues to be sorted but those will be solved during beta. -
It's very nice you all managed that then, what I was just wondering, are there any plans on a refreshed website?
not sure what you mean.
Oh my bad, I was saying that you made nice work on the software, and second I was wondering if you might give the website a new
appearance because of the new Podium version