Gun test
Very realistic looking well done
looks good, im just a bit confused about how its held? I can see the trigger but no grip is it helo like a rifle of on the shoulder like a rocket launcher?
I seen it as both launcher and machine type gun. Shooting the launcher you can rest it on your shoulder and hold the round brace to the side of the gun. But now that i look at it i should move the trigger over to the end handle more and away from the cartrige/bigger handle. If you know what i mean
Ps thank for the intrest and replys. Im really new to modeling and google so these must look a bit crap compared to some of the things you model{Liam 887} Cheers and keep the stuff coming.
Dont knock yourself down we all start somewhere, ive been playing around with it for years and once I learnt 3dsmax and then came back to using SU my workflow and abilities greatly improved. Just keep it up the model looks fine id suggest getting a renderer tho! try the fre version of podium to try it out!
Thanks mate i will