Native village_podium 1.7.1 (with tutorial on page2)
@steelers05 said:
these are some pretty amazing images...especially for podium. Way to push the software Nome...great work
i started with podium, and there is a saying "first love never dies". -
@michaliszissiou said:
These are beautiful once again.
"but you will see the uv mapping is as not as easy as SU" But you can't texture a simple apple. There comes a time that you'll decide to come to paradise nomer. SU UV mapping is a mess or something worse, sorry to say this. Nice GUI for a newbie but not for you.
i think i know what you are saying michalis, and precisely you are right on UV mapping. the UV mapping ruby provided by WHat work in a way, but sadly when i export all the maps, applied in each face will be exported too. Definitely, i agree that when it comes to texturing organic forms, mapping with SU is as not as handy when it comes to software that supports UVW unwrap. On the other hand the easeness of projected texturing is what i love with SU. so again it depends with the scene we are making.
With MAx UVW unwrap im use too know, then painting the texture in photoshop.
I dont know but SU with architectural stuff, i still prefer those 4 pins..on the other hand when it comes to organic modelling i dont use it because of the UV mapping. but you know and me have similar approach use other aps to map all these then import them to SU.. which i think more and more i will do. -
yeah it is amazing I hope I can get my rendering on par with my modeling soon your pic really is awesome!!! any more images like this by the way?
plus on your tutorial can you not do the texture thing with v.6 do you have to use 7? -
@liam887 said:
SU UV mapping isnt a mess its impossible as far as I know, I thought you had to use another programme?
The tutorial was great I need to get SU7 lolMichalis is talking about cylindrical and spherical mapping as SU use projected texturing. like i have said it has two coins. with architectural i think SU is an ease to use but with organic, is ok but you will see the projection later.. WHat has provided with a ruby on this, the texcture is wrapping, but i have a problem in mapping it the way i wanted.. so a UVW UNWRAP ruby perhaps is a good thing to wish.
where can I get WHATS's ruby can you post a link im hopeless at finding rubies on this site lol
@liam887 said:
yeah it is amazing I hope I can get my rendering on par with my modeling soon your pic really is awesome!!! any more images like this by the way?
plus on your tutorial can you not do the texture thing with v.6 do you have to use 7?rendering is one thing but in order to get really a good result, proper texturing is a must. do you know that flaws can be hidden by good texture? HEre is a perfect example of that. I knwo the model has a lot of flaws if you put them near the camera view. anyhow as for your question yes you can use that edit texture only with SU7. that is one of the nifty tool that i like with SU7.
@liam887 said:
where can I get WHATS's ruby can you post a link im hopeless at finding rubies on this site lol
here at the ruby section.
@liam887 said:
where can I get WHATS's ruby can you post a link im hopeless at finding rubies on this site lol
ok its here -
thanks man this is just what I need to get some of my stuff textured, and dont worry im good at making textures just not applying them to my models.
@liam887 said:
thanks man this is just what I need to get some of my stuff textured, and dont worry im good at making textures just not applying them to my models.
good to know liam...
i call this Sid's style
with my usual style
Looks like a frame from a Hayao Miyazaki movie
@ecuadorian said:
Looks like a frame from a Hayao Miyazaki movie
now i have to google Hayao Miyazaki ecuadorian... -
wow, this is great
Actually I like the first one more. Still have my problems with those good but yet not fully convincing looking people on the others (if that sentence makes sense to you).
WOW Nomer! Another "hit" from you! Excellent! Congrats!
@prisoner said:
wow, this is great
Actually I like the first one more. Still have my problems with those good but yet not fully convincing looking people on the others (if that sentence makes sense to you).
i could understand that prisoner.. thanks for your c.c... i think i will look for actuall image like the above. -
@stefanq said:
WOW Nomer! Another "hit" from you! Excellent! Congrats!
thanks again stefan..