Where are we? [updated]
hmmm, a flea's view on a dogs back?
Yeah I like the first as well, or is it the second? No the greyscale one!
Yeah really nice feel to the scene mate, I'm not wrapped in the smoothed version as much, the first one grab me by the balls!
AH!!! Lice amongst the pubic hair! Very good - I'd never have got it (and luckily never have)! Hmmm though the trunks should be curlier, their designed that way as to not poke you in the eyes!
yeah smoothed version not as nice as I wanted, it was only one iteration too...more next time....although might stick with angular version. lots of offsetting and scaling to do.
@richard said:
the first one grab me by the balls!
hahaha, mission accomplished!
Very otherworldly.
I see Luke running between the pubes with Yoda strapped to his back
He isn't scared yet... but he will be. -
oh my god they are not pubes!
solo what have you started!!!
Still working on it, twice as dense now.....watch this space.
more detail
Like the pp in the last one....This is Podium, right?
Yeah, thanks I learn from the best
I will make the scene available to test new soft shadows versus old ones, when it's finished
Looks like pollen without a bee.
Come on it is pubic hair, two of us have picked it up so far!
Every time I see this thread's title, I remember this dialogue from Yellow Submarine:
- Where are we?
- I don't know, it looks like the foothills.
- The foothills of what?
- The foothills of the headlands.
<Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds starts>
this is nice reminds me of some twisted tim burton production!
Some more detail, no texturing yet just geometry:
And a sketchy accident that looked pretty cool:
Its cool! ...for some reason it reminds me of that kids book "Where the Wild Things Are"
haha that brings back memories. the illustrations used to freak me out
Looks great Oli, what renderer did you use? and what setting as that looks biased.
a walkway of spikey glass?
What renderer is this?