Courtyard render
Very good podium render Ross.
Thanks fellas!
Absolutely amazing post processing to a great render. I think the skylight is a little too blown out for the amount of light present in the water reflection.....if it weren't for that, I'd peg it as a photo. Are the japanese maples 3D or 2D? Where did you get them?
wow, great photorealistic render! even more impressive coming out of podium. I agree that the trees look like wonderful models. I'd also agree that everything is perfect except for maybe a little over post processing on the sun effect. I like it up in the top right but I could do without the lens flare that spills out in the way of green dots in the middle of the render and it does seem too blown out at the roof area. There also seems to be something weird going on with the texture scaling on the underside of the roof canopy in the upper left portion of the picture. But to have taken all of the components you did and get the podium settings just right is quite amazing. Think you could post an image before the post processing?
Very nice render and model...Congrats...
i have a feeling those back walls are photomatch, am i right?
thanks for the feedback!
@ EarthMover
what skylight?:) it's an open-air courtyard concept, there's no skylight that i know of... the trees are 3D and if you look closely there are actually some leaves floating in the water and in the pots hehe got them on 3D warehouse, search for japanese maple 3D.
@ Brodie
yeah maybe there's a bit too much flare... a lot of times pp seems to be a matter of taste though;)
@ xrok1
there is no photomatch here. is it the paintings that make you think that? they obviously do have photo-textures, but they are 3D components off the warehouse... -
A great Podium render
I love the extra touch of leaves on the water.
One thing I would suggest is a different material on the soffits. My eye is drawn to the top left where the material has a diagonal joint. Maybe even just a flat colour.
yeah i actually did that joint on purpose, because the way i envisioned it, in reality the soffit material would change direction to be perpendicular to the building on every side(supported at the building and at the end of the overhang), but what i forgot to add was a piece of trim at that diagonal joint that would be there to support the planks, which right now float in the air(unless they are nailed to the sheathing i guess
I think the joint works but it seems like the scale is off on one side or the other. Or maybe it's just the perspective.