Draw angle dimensions
I am working on a script that will add an angular dimension, so far I can select two edges that share a common point, and determine the angle they create.
Now I want to draw an arc between the two lines, I want this arc to move along the lines (similar to how the dimension tool does) until the user clicks to set the proper location.
When complete the tool will work as follows.
- The user will select the first edge.
- The user will select a second edge that intersects the first edge.
- A temporary arc should slide along the lines (following the mouse) until the user clicks to set the location.
- The arc and dimension text will be added to the model.
The script is coming along.
I can draw an arc based on the angle, and have it move as I move the mouse. The next step will be to trim or extend the arc, to make sure the start and end point are always on the selected edges.I also have to adjust the code so the edges can be selected in a counter-clockwise direction as well as a clockwise direction.
If anyone has code examples to help me, I would appreciate any assistance.
That sounds cool
Excellent. There's already a script out there that does this, but it does not work very well for me. Specifically, it often selects a vertex behind the one I want, and then gives an incorrect angle. It would be much better if you could restrict it to act only in a given plane, like the native protractor tool.
The existing script by Didier Bur is called dim_angle.rb, and can be found here: http://www.crai.archi.fr/RubyLibraryDepot/Ruby/em_arc_page.htm