JU-87 Stuka W.I.P
I got around to modeling the Junkers JU-87 Stuka, which is a German dive-bomber that was used in world war two. The propeller is a bit rough, but some subdivision will fix that. It is already pretty polygonal for 1/3 of a model. It weighs in at 5MB and has 22,175 edges, and has 12,901 faces. Here is an image. Feedback is appreciated!
waiting for material and renders
Looking sweet so far, as soon as it gets wings it gets it's personality. One of the most feared machines of WW2, with a dive sound that still haunts many.
Yeap thats one creepy sound.
This will probably be pretty detailed, as I have a book on it, including ALL the variations and even the smallest details.
I might even add rivets, if SU has the sufficient capacity to do so after the model is finished. -
Looking very good so far glad to hear that you are going for maximum detail (and my nemesis max polly) i will follow your progress closely
Well, I was able to work on it for a few hours this evening, so I added some low-polygonal wings and the rear assembly. I managed to double the edge and face count
. I had some trouble with the ailerons and flaps, but I'll work them out. The rudder is a bit shabby, but it should be fixable using the Freescale plugin.I'm also running into trouble with the variations of certain details of the plane. It is a JU-87 B-1, so there were many altered details that were intended to optimize the performance. I'm still battling over the desert-adapted Stuka or the plane old variation. Give some suggestions, please. At the moment I am planning a yellow cowl/splinter green camouflage scheme. The model may be incorporated in another war scene, which will probably be an air battle. Now I'm off to draw the cowl flaps and undercarriage, probably the intake structure in the cowl, the vents in the radiator/oil cooler(not sure what it is), and possibly some weapon mounts. I'll add in some cockpit details if I can manage a good appearance without a huge clutter of polygons. Here is an image of the latest update of the model:
I created landing gear and fixed up the style. I got the cowling material right, but I can't decide on the main fuselage material. I also added devil horn antennae to the cockpit for some realism. I'll work on the wing detail later tomorrow(Or now!), and I'll add cockpit detail as soon as possible. I'll see if I can find some poor-condition metal textures for realism. UPDATE:I have a new paint job. I added the sirens and cowl details. Canopy machine gun was added, and radiator vents were added. next is the tail wheel and wing guns, camera system, possibly a flak 38 under-wing cannon, and hopefully another war scene.
Most of the model is finished. I don't know what else to add, other than a camera system. Maybe some bombs and guns? Some body request something, please. I'll paint a few in different schemes, also.
It is a dive bomber after all, so I'd say load it up, ready for war.
Just a suggestion the model looks to "clean" and plastic like some "ageing " wear and tear will add to the realism the model deserves, but looks good
I'll get to work on the rusty old junker texturing, if I can find any textures. Could someone provide a link to a decent grunge texture site, other than CGtextures?
I tried texturing it and... well... let's just say it can't get worse.
I'm no good with textures. If anyone wants to texture or render it, the model is here: http://sketchup.google.com/3dwarehouse/details?mid=edb916c2cdc2d3b9ce2cec85ea6ae00d
I need a decent pointer on texturing, too. -
I think the model is set to private...
Whoops. Set it to viewable.
Better than mine
. I finally deleted the latest works topic, so I can leave everything here(No clutter). I've got rivets on the peashooter, and it doesn't look like its made of random pieces I found on the warehouse, if anyone is interested.